88 |2020 Sustainability Report |Global challenge of satisfaction, assessing material issues and understanding theExternal analysis with the aim of discovering the degree02 image that Aqualia's clients have of the company Quantitative methodology through telephone and online surveys to end clients and mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative) through telephone interviews and filling in an institutional client survey This phase had the following steps: Main conclusions 01Integration of questions related to attributes ofAs a result of this analysis, it was possible to verify the company's image in the statistical survey andthat in general terms clients are satisfied, although in the scripts for the interviews. Questions aboutthere is room for improvement and the results are the company's performance in the COVID-19in line with the significant issues resulting from the context were also added: Performance, degreemateriality analysis. of satisfaction as an end user, etc. 02Conducting 3,325 end client surveys (1,500 Statistical survey telephone and 1,825 online) and conducting telephone interviews with heads of 24 local I t administrations (mayors, councillors and n erviews technicians) in the municipalities where Aqualia, or any of its subsidiaries, manage the municipalSpecial attention to Aqualia's water service. performance in the COVID-19 context 03Preparation of individualised and descriptivereports for each type of client, in the differentIndividualised and descriptive geographical These reports were also reports by client type areas. compared with the results from consultations in other years.