66 |2020 Sustainability Report |Global challenge Objectives for increasing avoided emissions02 Recovering energy in Increasing biogas desalination plants production Aqualia proposes to recover the energy in the desalinationThe company is looking to increase the production plants through the turbines and pressure exchangeof biogas by anaerobicdigestion inWWTPs used equipment. This wouldrepresent a 4% reductionto generate electricity and heat. The target for growth in emissions as a result of the electrical energy.in the 2020-2022 period is 50%. This milestone can be reached due to the fact that Aqualia manages a greater The Mides project has been able to make desalinationnumber of treatment plants that use this process and installations independent with regard to energy.equipment that can use the energy produced. Bestpractices 888,193 GJ The Mides project already operates inthe first two desalination installations ofbiogas in the world without external energy consumption at the plants in Racons (Dénia, Alicante) and Fonsalía (Guía de Isora, Santa Cruz de Tenerife), obtaining energy contained in wastewater. These two pilot units desalinate 3.6 m/day each, which3 enables supply to be provided for 25 people and a saving of more than 3 kWh of electrical energy per m, with the3 produced resulting reduction in the carbon footprint. in 2020 aiaTnubhlstteeoa nlMtlooam tmioioudanskesse epdnreeosrjaeglcietn tihactaailosl nyb een