2020 Sustainability Report |As clear as water. Sustainable and transparent governance | 47 Committed to guaranteeing responsible supply Aqualia is aware of its role as a transforming agentThis commitment is of great importance in the case of capable of promoting positive changes in the differentsuppliers, since Aqualia operates in 17 countries around environments of its stakeholders, especially those withthe world, where it generates economic relationships whom it can operate directly, as is the case of suppliers,with almost 14,000 localsuppliers and whose global collaborating agents and partners. value in 2020 was estimated at €431.79 million. The relationship between them should always seek Over 98.2% of contracted suppliers were local, collaboration and mutualenrichment with regard to promoting the development of these businesses and ethics and sustainability. In this way, the sector developsthe economy of each country, especially in a period in favourably and contributes to the achievement which the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic generated a serious of the Sustainable Development Goals, a global economic crisis throughout the world and significantly guide to achieving major results based on a triple reduced income in many companies, even forcing them impact:Economic development, socialjustice and to close down. environmental balance. Local suppliers + 98.2% of suppliers recruited in 2020 were local, promoting business development and groups severely affected by the pandemic. Total no. of local 13,921 suppliers Countries 17 Global value€431.79 Million