2020 Sustainability Report |GRI Standards | 177 GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD Governance 102-18 Governance structure Pages 38-40 102-19 Delegating authority Pages 38-40 Executive-level responsibility 102-20 for economic, environmental Pages 6-11 and 40 and social issues Consulting stakeholders on 102-21 economic, environmental Pages 86-88; 172-173 16.7 and social issues Members of the highest 102-22 governance body and its Pages 38-39 16.7 committees 102-23 President of the highest Page 38 16.6 governance body 2020 Corporate Governance Report https:// Nominating and selecting the www.fcc.es/en/informe-anual-de-gobierno- 5.5 102-24 highest governance body corporativo 16.7 (C.1.16. Page 36) 102-25 Conflicts of interest Pages 42-45 16.6 2020 Corporate Governance Report https:// Role of the highest www.fcc.es/en/informe-anual-de-gobierno- 102-26 governance body in selecting corporativo objectives, values and (F. Internal Risk Control and Management strategy Systems relating to the process of issuing Financial Information. F.1.2. Page 82) 2020 Corporate Governance Report https:// 102-27 The highest governance www.fcc.es/en/informe-anual-de-gobierno- body's collective knowledge corporativo (C. Structure of the Company's Administration. C.1.3. Page 22) Assessing the highest 2020 Corporate Governance Report https:// 102-28 governance body’s www.fcc.es/en/informe-anual-de-gobierno- performance corporativo (C. Structure of the Company's Administration. C.1.17. Page 38) Identifying and managing 102-29 economic, environmental Pages 6-11; 54-57 16.7 and social impacts 102-30 Effectiveness of the risk Pages 40-42; 57 management processes Assessment of economic, 102-31 environmental and social Pages 89; 172-173 issues Highest governance body’s 102-32 role in the preparation of Pages 6-11 sustainability reports 102-33 Communicating critical Pages 6-11; 86-89; 172-173 concerns 102-34 Nature and total number of Pages 172-173 critical concerns 2020 Corporate Governance Report https:// 102-35 Remuneration policies www.fcc.es/en/informe-anual-de-gobierno- corporativo (C. Structure of the Company's Administration. Page 20) * Contribution of GRI standards to the goals of the SDGs, according to the document prepared by GRI, Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards.