148 | 2020 Sustainability Report | A decade for us to transform Programme type European Spain Goals relating Achievements Aqualia Main Objectives relating to the to climate in projects project types projects48 end-to-end water cycle change completed in 2020 On the transformation Renewable of waste into resources biofuel Carbon Neutral and biofactories/ energy Target by 2050 circularity Life Transforming waste Converting Reduce energy Using Methamorphosis into value. leachate from consumption biomethane in municipal waste and the carbon cars and lorries. Final (2020) and slurry to footprint. biomethane. Quality Developing Life Infusion Preparing design Replacing Start-up. innovative (2024) parameters for future electricity. technologies, AMB resource recovery maximising the Started plants and evaluating efficiency and in 2020 technologies. reliability of uninterrupted water service (24 h/d and 365 d/year) to guarantee the Life Zero Waste Demonstrating the Producing Reducing Signing the highest quality. Water (2024) combined treatment of biomethane. electricity agreements. Urban Waste Water (ARU) consumption. Started and the Organic Fraction in 2020 of Municipal Solid Waste (FORSU) with the AnMBR anaerobic reactor. Life Icirbus Generating construction National patent Smart Final materials and biofertilisers. with co-holders (INTROMAC management CTAEX, DISAMIN) .49 Improving the integral management of water resources H2020 Run4Life Recovering nutrients from Producing Producing self- Water for toilets with smart Final the separation of grey and bioenergy. generated energy. and irrigation technologies. black water. in the ZFV gardens. Increasing the safety and resilience of infrastructures by controlling and planning the H2020 Rewaise Implementing new circular Transforming Promoting processes. (2025) economy and digital wastewater sustainable Started in 2020 management solutions in into energy. desalination and Providing nine LivingLabs: Recovery new membranes. information that is of materials from brines, transparent and re-use of wastewater and suitable for the its transformation into by- service. products, and simulation of water quality, processes and networks. 48 The vast majority of grants are for EU Life and H2020 projects. The exceptions are Advisor, MarAdentro and Valorastur/Recarbon, which are administered by the CDTI. But they also come from the European ERDF and RIS3 funds. 49 No. 201930876 (requested 08/10/2019).