42 |2020 Sustainability Report |As clear as water. Sustainable and transparent governance Risk assessment and control system The most significant risks relating to corruption and 100% identified through risk evaluation are bribery, business corruption, influence peddling, fraud, illegal financing of political parties, embezzlement, price fixing in bids of control owners made and auctions and money laundering. To prevent of all a self-assessment of the of these, Aqualia established a compliance model and execution of their controls control system. In 2020, two self-assessments were undertaken on the execution of controls by those who own the control and process. In both cases, all control owners made a self- assessment the execution of their controls, compiling was sent to the corresponding process owners so they evidence that the activity was undertaken and as could work on the improvements detected. a result the corresponding risk is being mitigated. At the same time as the certification process, the Furthermore, all process owners verified the information Regulatory Compliance Department monitored the provided by the owners of each control that make up evidence presented by the control owners (on a sample the different processes. of controls for each certification period), analysing whether the risks were covered and highlighting the Based on the information provided by the control and gaps detected that were also reflected in meetings held process owners during certification, the Regulatory with the process owners. Compliance Department conducted an analysis that