74 |2020 Sustainability Report |Global challenge SmVak installations, Czech Republic Protection of flora and fauna Aqualia has selected several areas eligible for protection because they contain significant biological value. In the selected areas, small ponds have been constructed or meadows of flowers have been created at the locations where wastewater is treated. After consultation with specialised NGOs, it was established that flower meadows are areas that should be protected.So in SmVak, five locations were established that will be part of the building renovation plan in order to adapt Aqualia's installations to enable coexistence with the flora and fauna. Medina del Campo WWTP (Valladolid) Creation of habitat for mg In 2020, the Australian company IFM investors, in Medina del Campo (Valladolid). This grant will be shareholders of 49% of Aqualia,awarded two grantsawarded through the Medina delCampo service and to the projects presented by the NGO SEO Birdlife for involves aid of more than € 20,000. the creation of habitat for migratory birds in the WWTP