2020 Sustainability Report |Committed to people | 115 Health, safety and welfare The safety, health and welfare area follows the lines This plan consists of three lines of action that established in the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan. represent the company's most significant areas. Lines of action for the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan 01 02 03 PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT Improvement and integration AND WELFARE Improvement Implementation of of preventive activity and modernisation a preventive culture 1.1. Analysis of actions against 2.1. Training and motivation 3.1. Be Aqualia critical and/or significant for Health and Safety management culture. risks. Technicians. 1.2. I ntegration of work 3.2. I ncreased participation medicine. 2.2. Digitalisation of the in preventive activity. department. 1.3. Healthy company. 2.3. Facilitating and 1.4. Simplification and invoicing promoting knowledge. of preventive tasks. Due to the COVID-19 circumstances, there was a slowdown in the execution of the 2019- 2021 Strategic Plan, which completed 25% of the projects and 75% are outstanding or being executed. Throughout 2020, the Health and Welfare management company's central services. In the case of the app, a system was subject to a complete review, to adapt it record is opened and managed as in the previous point, to ISO 45001:2018 and incorporate it into Aqualia's depending on whether it is a local or general problem. other management systems. There are procedures to Thisinformation is anonymous, unless the worker guarantee the identification and elimination of hazards, wishes to sign voluntarily. minimise risks, define those responsible for the different processes and guarantee safety and health at work. Those responsible for the contracts, the technicians and the Health and Welfare coordinator are also responsible The tools implemented for employees to identify work- for ensuring compliance with and monitoring related hazards are a physical mailbox in each work procedures, assessing corrective measures if necessary, centre, a virtual mailbox in the corporate Health and and designing preventive policies. Welfare SharePoint and on the Be Aqualia app (specific access for incidents and hazards). In the first case, the Workers also have communication tools and specific measure is transferred to the contract prevention plan; mailboxes in each business line and a specific in the second, the corresponding treatment is given. button on the Be Aqualia app, through which they So where a danger or incident is local, the affected can send incidents, dangers, etc. with regard to contract is transferred and proceeds as in the first occupational safety. case; if it is a general incident, it is processed from the