180 |2020 Sustainability Report | Annexes GRI 204: Procurement practices 2016 GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD Page 48 Local suppliers are those that are geographically located in the same Proportion of expenses in territories in which Aqualia is providing 204-1 local suppliers its service. 8.3 In this case, local will be defined as CCAA. This means that Aqualia achieves local development in those areas where it is implemented. GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016 Associated material issues: Ethics and integrity, good governance, corruption prevention and mitigation systems, transparency GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD There was a total of 22 company 205-1 Operations assessed for risks operations relating to corruption risks 16.5 relating to corruption and 100% of them were assessed to identify the risks. Page 42 Communication and training 205-2 on anti-corruption policies Pages 44-46 16.5 and procedures Confirmed cases of In 2020, no cases relating to 205-3 corruption and the corruption were reported via the 16.5 action taken Whistleblowing Channel. Transparent communication: The company maintains Page 140 AQ CT transparent communication Aqualia informs regadi gthe different including easy and prices established by the proper authority transparent access on the different local websites. to its tariffs * Contribution of GRI standards to the goals of the SDGs, according to the document prepared by GRI, Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards.