172| 2020 Sustainability Report | Annexes Material issues In 2020, the most significant issues for stakeholders were as follows: Environmental Governance Labour Social Issue Scope Explanation of materiality Water quality GRI 416 Efficient management of the shortage of natural resources GRI 303 Climate change: contribution to environmental impact mitigation and GRI 305 risk management plans Innovation in the environment: development of R&D&i GRI 103-3 Circular economy of water: re-use of waste to minimise negative GRI 303/306 environmental impacts Environmental awareness and raising awareness on the sustainable use GRI 413 of resources AQ CyS1 Responsible energy consumption: degree of energy consumption and GRI 302 plans for the development of environmentally friendly energy Biodiversity: sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems in the territories in GRI 304 which the company operates Ethics and integrity (compliance) GRI 205 Systems for prevention and mitigation of corruption GRI 205 Good Governance: the company has suitable mechanisms for the GRI 201/205 identification and management of its risks and opportunities Transparency: making information on the company's different GRI 205 management areas and their results available to stakeholders AQ CT