8 |2020 Sustainability Report |Interview with the CEO The company’s strategy and purpose have, for The approval of the years, been guided by a master plan called the 2030 Agenda. In 2020, the Strategic Plan followedthe foundations of ESG. Why did you decide toadopt them? How is Aqualia preparing to respond 2021- 2023 Strategic to the demands of society while at the same timeresponding to those of its shareholders?Sustaiuability Plan is a Although Aqualia’s global outlook points to 2030, ourlong-term plans are compatible with specific short-milestone that will allow us and medium-term objectives that will enable us to to chart and measure our measure the impact of our actions. The 2021-2023 Strategic Sustainability Plan, on which we have been contribution to achieving working intensively this year, is based on adapting to and minimising climate change, on culture and the well-being of people, on ethics and on social impact. the SDGs The plan also advocates promoting technology forintegrated management, communication and strategic alliances as areas that promote change and the transition to sustainability.The implementation of this plan represents a milestone for the company, 2020 was a very complicated year, in which we had to given that it defines projects, actions and performance address the health emergency without neglecting the indicators that allow measuring Aqualia’s contribution climate emergency, about which citizens and institutions to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in are so concerned. Clearly this trend of concern for the each of these lines of work. Today the traceability that environment is globally unavoidable, with numerous this plan provides is more necessary than ever, not examples to choose from, including the sustainability only to measure our progress and be accountable to criteria for aid for European reconstruction and the the Board of Directors, but also to respond to society’s Climate Change Law. It is imperative that we adapt to demands and be able to continuously improve. the effects of climate change, as well as prepare the economy for the challenges we will face in upcoming years.With the promotion of green financing and other instruments that will facilitate the transition to the new system, Aqualia is committed to accelerating this unstoppable and necessary transformation.