2020 Sustainability Report |As clear as water. Sustainable and transparent governance | 49 Criteria for the selection of supplier and contractors Aqualia is aware of its social-economic and environmental impact and so it has established a supplier and contractor selection model consistent with its values and strategic objectives based on five fundamental criteria that are applied in a multi-jurisdictional manner: essential criteria Labour Occupational Preventive approach Technical Code of Ethics and regulations Risk Prevention and environmental Quality the 10 Principles of respect the Global Compact Compliance Compliance with Operating under Some services are Contracts are with and legislative requirements sustainable required to have signed that include provision of is established criteria, access to a Quality a commitment to social security. and continuous minimising the Management comply with legal improvement that environmental System in obligations with regard goes beyond these impact of its accordance with to environmental and requirements is activities. ISO 9001. anti-corruption issues. encouraged. Aqualia extends Aqualia is These Due to the impact of The Code of Ethics compliance with committed to environmental its activity, Aqualia and Conduct labour regulations the safety of the criteria are taken subscribes to a huge is applicable to to the entire supply people with whom into account in social commitment suppliers and chain. This is how it collaborates, the selection to the quality of contractors in all the protection of all understanding of Aqualia's its services, which the countries in those contracted by this value as an suppliers. it transfers as which Aqualia its external suppliers inherent feature of a responsibility and operates. is guaranteed. productivity and a requirement to its quality of service. suppliers.