64 |2020 Sustainability Report |Global challenge The following improvements were implemented in 2020 for the management and optimisation of energy consumption: • Launching a centralised monitoring and control platform for proposals and objectives for the Energy consumption by country improvement of the different contracts relating to energy efficiency, under the ISO 50001-Energy Country GJ Management Systems standard. Spain 2,613,416 The change to a new energy invoicing control • Algeria 1,113,436 platform (Synergica) which is much more powerful Czech Republic 259,374 and enabled more immediate and comprehensive control of the energy costs invoiced by the retailer. Egypt 48,212 Italy 38,518 • Initialoperation of the SILICE platform for the Portugal 22,941 collection of data on gas production and its destination in the WWTPs managed, in order to be United Arab Emirates 217,483 able to make a centralised declaration of the data France 23,775 required for the settlement of the Hydrocarbon Tax on the Spanish Tax Authority's platform. Saudi Arabia 227,242 Challenge for Aqualia's contribution to climate change. Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan Aqualia has calculated and verified the Carbon Footprint for all the company's activity in Spain and Portugal. The organisation has also registered its Carbon Footprint in the OECC (Spanish Office for Climate Change) under the MITECO (Ministry for Ecological Transition) for all Aqualia's activity in Spain. 2019 2020 19/20 CO emissions from the end-to-end cycle (tCOe))2 2 424,711 480,043 13.03% Scope 1 emissions (tCOe)2 91,817 97,787 6.50% Scope 2 emissions (tCOe)2 288,609 344,736 19.45% Scope 3 emissions (tCOe)2 44,285 37,520 -15.28% Turnover 1,186,889,341 1,188,348,000 0.12% Ratio of emissions over turnover (tCOe/mill €)2 0.36 0.4