182| 2020 Sustainability Report | Annexes GRI 303: Water 2018 Associated material issues: Efficient resource management, circular water economy GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD Interactions with 6.3 6.4 303-1 water as a shared Pages 5; 54-57; 68-71; 92-93; 135-138 6a 6b Environmental management approach resource 12.4 Regardless of the country where an installation Management of is built, Aqualia uses European technology that 303-2 impacts relating to needs to meet high standards with regard to 6.3 water discharges discharge levels. This ensures that in most countries the minimum levels established by regulatory requirements are exceeded. 303-3 Water abstraction Pages 69-70 a) Total: 821,959,643 m (There is no breakdown3 of water discharges according to destination type (surface waters, marine, etc.) Ref. 303-4, a).iv: Ref. Page 70. Re-used water. b) Total discharge of water with high salinity: 162,011,975 m (Spain: 14,531,872; Saudi Arabia:3 303-4 Water discharge 17,927,470 Algeria: 135,630,302) 6.3 c) Water discharges in areas under water stress: 764,465,135 m and in areas without water3 stress: 57,494,508; Ref. 303-4, d.i: Ref. Page 80. Covid Ref. 303-4, d.ii: in accordance with the legislation in each country. Ref. 303-4: Data on fines is provided in Standard GRI 307-1. The consumption of water coincides with the 303-5 Water consumption total amount of water captured from abstraction sources. Ref. Page 69-70. GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 Associated material issue: Biodiversity GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD Operational centres owned, leased or managed in, or Total installations in protected areas or 6.6 304-1 adjacent to, protected areas areas of great value for diversity: Spain + and areas of high biodiversity International: 145; 15.1 15.5 value outside protected areas Significant impacts of 6.6 14.2 304-2 activities, products and Pages 72-75 services on biodiversity 15.1 15.5 Protected and restored 6.6 14.2 304-3 habitats Pages 72-75 15.1 15.5 Species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and This 304-4 national preservation lists information whose habitats are in areas is unavailable affected by the operations * Contribution of GRI standards to the goals of the SDGs, according to the document prepared by GRI, Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards.