2020 Sustainability Report |GRI Standards | 185 GRI 400: Social Standards GRI 103: Management Approach Associated material issues: Employee safety, health and welfare, equal opportunities, diversity and work-life balance, professional development, water quality, public-private partnerships, job creation, social action, work- life balance and environmental awareness on the sustainable use of resources, access to water, transparent communication, promotion and respect for human rights, client experience GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD 103-1 Explanation of the material Pages 172-173 issue and what it involves Pages 86-89 Creation of employment: 114; Equal opportunities, diversity and work-life balance: 103-109; Health, safety and The management approach welfare: 115-117; Human Rights: 40-46; 103-2 and its components Access to water: 120-123; Social action: 122-125; Transparent communication: 140- 141; Sensitivity and awareness-raising: 160- 167; Client experience: 120, 135; Public- private partnerships: 9, 54-57; 126-129. 103-3 Assessment of the Pages 18; 96-100; 118-126; 126-129; 132- management approach 137; 140; 144-147; 162-167 GRI 401: Employment 2016 Associated material issues: Creation of employment, equal opportunities, diversity and work-life balance GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD Page 96: Staff turnover and Page 100: 5.1 New employee recruitment 401-1 and staff turnover New recruitment 8.5 8.6 International workers also enjoy benefits 10.3 Benefits enjoyed by full-time Pages 103-104 employees that are not given Social benefits are independent of the 401-2 to temporary or part-time working day and include the following: employees Subsidised loans, life insurance, accident insurance and family aid * Contribution of GRI standards to the goals of the SDGs, according to the document prepared by GRI, Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards.