2020 Sustainability Report |Committed to people | 129 Bes tpractices In 2020 the company was present at strategic events and forums of international importance with a view to solidifying its position as a sector benchmark for innovative solutions that meet the challenges for the future and respond to new public-private collaboration models. Since March 2020 the events have been held in digital format through webinars on different platforms. Thesethe Corporate Water Leaders panel, organised by Global have enabled Aqualia to participate in events such as aWater and a webinar entitled "A day at the Salitre virtual meeting with the ministers of Foreign Affairs andWWTP", developed with ALADYR, the Latin American Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Government of Spain;Association for Desalination and Water Re-use. I Andesco Congress (Gremial Association of SWAN Congress (Smart Water Networks Forum) Domiciliary Public Services of Colombia) Aqualia also participated in the SWAN Congress (Smart Aqualia's participation as a sponsor of the 1st AndescoWater Networks Forum), organised by the Smart Water Congress (Asociación Gremial de Servicios PúblicosNetworks Forum, which focussed on the digitalisation of Domiciliarios de Colombia) in October in a 100%the water sector and the generation of value from big data. virtual format deserves special mention. The Congress was inaugurated by the President of the Republic ofAt this event Eva Martínez, Section Manager for Smart Colombia, Iván Duque. Services in the Aqualia Innovation and Technology department, participated by presenting the H2020 The company was also highlighted in the catalogueRUN4LIFE project, whose objective is the development presented by ICEX, under the slogan "Spain, a worldof resilient processes and infrastructures through data benchmark in the management and use of water".transmission. In the presentation, it was explained that The document, which clearly shows the leadership ofthe objective is to offer a better water service to citizens. Spanish companies in the sector worldwide, refers to the cases of the Mostaganem (Algeria) and Djerba (Tunisia)In her speech, within the panel denominated "A holistic desalination plants, as well as the New Cairo (Egypt) andapproach to the integration of networks (citizens, mobile El Salitre (Colombia) treatment plants. The cataloguephones, cybersecurity)", Martínez stressed that "data is an also presents a successful model for public-privateally for current and future uncertainties; the challenge is to collaboration in the projects in Algeria and Egypt, thebe able to transfer the real value of water to our clients". contribution to social and economic growth and the size and important environmental value that the company contributes to the project in Colombia.