2020 Sustainability Report | Committed to people | 107 Aim Action guidelines Actions in 2020 To foster a salary system Since establishing Aqualia's wagegap in 2019, the company has been •The most up-to-date data on the that prevents gender salary gap is that provided in 2019 and working to eliminate any barriers that calculated by KPMG, which resulted in may lead to discrimination. a gap with respect to total normalised discrimination salary of 10%. • In 2021 the data is being updated in order to provide the greatest possible transparency in the information given to its stakeholders. To disseminate a corporate It develops and participates in initiativesto raise awareness of equality. •Training in equal opportunities. culture committed to • Training in diversity. equality • Internal and external communication campaigns. • Collaboration with foundations such as Adecco, Down Madrid. • The company is committed to the fight against gender violence and each year implements a number of awareness and sensitivity campaigns organised in different municipalities and with the collaboration of Aqualia staff. To guarantee rights Actions to promote a balancebetween male and female employees •Manager training in EFR. relating to work-life in accordance with established legalcriteria and that this should not •Work-life balance training for the entireworkforce (4,155 people). balance mean losing opportunities either in Voice of the Employee Survey. promotion or in access to training, etc. • • FR Certification. Raise awareness of co-responsibility. • Communication actions to disseminate EFR measures and their use. • Transfer of the commitment to work-life balance to the value chain. Actions with regard to Strengthening the procedure foraction with regard to the prevention •Preparation of a conflict management the prevention of sexual procedure. of sexual harassment and for reasons of gender guaranteed by • Training in prevention of workplace and harassment and due to whistleblowing channels and their sexual harassment (2,063 people). confidential treatment. gender • Updating the group's sexual harassment procedure.