2020 Sustainability Report |As clear as water. Sustainable and transparent governance | 45 On the Code of Ethics and Conduct Allnew recruits who joined Aqualia (in Spain and inSome suppliers were also included inthe training Colombia),who had online access, were invited to plan on the Code of Ethics due to the sensitivity of attend Code of Ethics and Conduct training that can bethe relationship with public officials inherent in their undertaken via the Training Campus. activity, especially significant in Aqualia's reputational management. These suppliers were summoned to an The Regulatory Compliance Department also provided online course on the Code of Ethics, as well as a specific training on the Code of Ethics and Conduct to Aqualiaonline course on correct relationships with members of México staff at the Querétaro offices, at the site for thepublic institutions. execution of the works in the Guaymas project and to staff in Italy.10 Bidding processes and the fight against corruption and bribery 16.5 Goal 5 Strategic line For key employees who are already directly involvedbidding processes, whichtraining was given inin Complipance the principles established in the Bidding Policy wereexplained in detail, as well as the best way to put the Ti s provisions of the bidding management procedure into practice. Communication as an essential For employees in Spain who in their work may have feature of ethical culture a relationship with public officials, training was As part of the awareness raising undertaken that included the basic regulatory principles activities among employees regarding for the fight against corruption and bribery (Penal Code compliance, in 2020 an e-mail was and international standards such as FCPA, UK Bribery regularly sent out with so-called Act and World Bank Integrity Guidelines). Compliance Tips, containing the advice used as a basis for preparing The new process and control owners were given the main compliance policies, training in anti-corruption which explained the Crime explaining what a conflict of interest Prevention Model adopted by the company. is and how to use the Whistleblowing At the same time, the aim was to reach offline staff Channel, etc. by means of a dissemination campaign in Aqualia On 9 December, International Anti- work centres.This involved showing a video in which Corruption Day, a video was presented the company's commitment against corruption was on the Code of Ethics and Conduct reiterated and provided a summary of the principles and with its main axes. values included in the Code of Ethics and Conduct. 10 In 2020, only these face-to-face training sessions were given since from March onwards, with the beginning of the pandemic, travel was suspended.