2020 Sustainability Report 2020 |Commitment and technology serving our clients | 131 I Aq l k th ientvaluesthe qnltyuaf iatwe ndow viceasthemostisgnificant ai o waeran ser u tt th is s as wellas a commitemn op e y sue , p d t Th ti p y l ti roximi a s tnra s arenc , s eciaisa onan g .p t l hy i t tintcehnolo icaldeveomens w our nvesmen d t h igi ts ina conversatino witciizens an is or nae g p t d d tprovidin an otimal serv , o en aime a t t lintsandtoPu blicAdmin is raions c e AQUALIA EMPLOYEE Does technological innovation help to improve the service you provide for citizens?