164 |2020 Sustainability Report |A decade for us to transform Success stiro es There should be special mention for an actionThe campaign ended with a video by the undertaken by Aqualia's subsidiary in Tenerife,Municipality produced to raise awareness Entemanser, together with the Granadilla deamongst the whole town's about the proper Abona Municipality, to publicise the servicesuse of the toilet and the appropriate means for of the sanitation network and raise awarenessdepositing waste. among young people about the importance of not contaminating this resource. To coincide with World Sanitation Day, the night work of the Entemanser service at the Wastewater Pumping Plant was filmed in the presence of the first deputy mayor (Marcos González) and the general services delegate councillor (Marcos Rodríguez). Information posters were also hung in the town's fourteen education centres of the town and a drawing contest was held on sewer covers to make the campaign visible on the street. Video Granadilla #Nolotires campaign 'World Sanitation Day'