2020 Sustainability Report |GRI Standards | 179 GRI 200: Economic Standards GRI 103: Management Approach Associated material issues: Risk management, ethics and integrity, corruption prevention and mitigation systems, transparency, technological development GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD 103-1 Explanation of the material Pages 172-173 issue and what it involves Economic Performance: 22-23 and 28-34; The management approach and Risk management: 42 and 57; Corruption 103-2 its components prevention systems: 40-46; Supply chain; 47-57; Technological development: 132- 140. 103-3 Assessment of the Pages 22-23; 40-46; 48-51; 57; 132-140 management approach GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016 Associated material issues: Risk management, good governance GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD Direct economic value 8.1 8.2 201-1 generated (VEG) and distributed Pages 18; 22-23 (VED) 9.1 9.4 9.5 Financial implications and other 201-2 risks and opportunities due to Pages 30; 54-57 climate change 201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations There are no retirement plans and other retirement plans 201-4 Financial assistance received Page 23 from government GRI 203: 2016 Indirect Economic Impacts Associated material issues: Risk management, technological development GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD 203-1 Investments in infrastructure Pages 31-34; 136-139 9.1 and services supported Significant indirect economic Pages 6-11; 18; 126 1.4 203-2 impacts Ref. 2019 Sustainability Report, page 119 8.2 8.3 8.5 * Contribution of GRI standards to the goals of the SDGs, according to the document prepared by GRI, Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards.