Programme type European Spain 2020 Sustainability Report | A decade for us to transform | 149 Goals relating Achievements Aqualia Main Objectives relating to the to climate in projects project types projects48 end-to-end water cycle change completed in 2020 On the transformation Renewable of waste into biofuel Carbon Neutral resources and energy Target by 2050 biofactories/ circularity H2020 Scalibur WWTP sludge Converting waste Energy recovered from First project with (2022) treatments. into energy value WWTPs and urban the participation of Started in 2020 Converting through the solids for vehicle fuel. SmVaK in the Czech organic matter into production of Republic. by-products. biomethane and its use as a fuel for vehicles. BBI Deep Purple Developing bio- Generating new Solar and self- European patent (2023) refinery works materials and generated energy. granted on Started in 2019 to produce and biofuels through 12.08.20 together recover cellulose the treatment with the Rey Juan and plastics using of wastewater Carlos University. organic matter and municipal A first prototype is Ecoefficiency from wastewaterand municipalwastes.wastes with nocontributionfrom external already operatingin Toledo-Estiviel.A reactor that is - fossil fuels. 10 times larger is Developing planned for the advanced Linares WWTP. technologies that optimise the use of renewable resources. BBI B-Ferst Developing and Avoiding the Reducing the Prototype under (2023) assessing new energy required carbon footprint in construction at Avoiding the biofertilisers from to generate the production of Jerez WWTP. generation of waste Started in 2020 municipal wastes artificial fertilisers. in the company's and purification fertiliser (urea). processes and by-products. services. Finding solutions that enable growth H2020 Mides Using organic Implementing The microbial Reduction of in all water markets material from desalination with desalination cell energy cost x10. in accordance with Final wastewater as fuel. no contribution (MDC) reduces European patent eco-efficiency from external the energy cost of for the microbial requirements. electricity. desalination tenfold. desalination cell (MDC). Granted on 26.08.20. RIS3 Valorastur Reducing the Implementing Applying eco- Delivery of new Final generation of processes efficient purification drying equipment waste that is to optimise with control of at the WWTP transformed into the nutrient energy consumption. in Grado. new resources. elimination process in the S. Development Claudio WWTP. of new low- cost absorption Cost reduction materials from in electricity; dried sewage minimising the sludge. purchase of iron salts. 48 The vast majority of grants are for EU Life and H2020 projects. The exceptions are Advisor, MarAdentro and Valorastur/Recarbon, which are administered by the CDTI. But they also come from the European ERDF and RIS3 funds.