106| 2020 Sustainability Report |Committed to people Equality In 2020 Aqualia continued with the implementation Due to recent legislative developments, training on the of its Equality Plan II, in which both the company new Equality legislation was provided to all members and the majority unions at state levelreiterated their of the Negotiating Committee. The aim of this course, commitment to equal opportunities for men and given by an external consultancy firm, was to learn women. In February, the Negotiating Committee for about the regulations in force in Spain with regard to Aqualia's Equality Plan III was set up and an assessment equality plans. was made of the situation required to start negotiations. In accordance with the different objectives and action guidelines, the following actions were undertaken in 2020: Aim Action guidelines Actions in 2020 To guarantee the same Guaranteeing non-discriminatoryselection and the incorporation of •Implementation of a selection-by-skill model opportunities between to encourage the incorporation of the women in those areas, groups and candidates most suitable for the position, positions where their representation regardless of their gender. men and women at is lower, based on the company's selection policy and process. • Training in equal opportunities: 455 people. all levels To promote and improve Promoting the training of womenand encouraging promotion to •Initiation of the 4th Mentoring Programme women's prospects of to Boost Female Talent, with the aim positions of responsibility within the of promoting the presence, visibility and accessing positions of company. participation of women in the company's organisation, thereby making it easier for responsibility them to develop their professional careers. The 2020 edition saw the participation of seven mentees, three male mentors and four female mentors. This programme will continue to be developed in 2021. • In 2020, a new edition of the School of Industrial Organisation's (EOI) Management Development Programme for Women with High Potential was held with the participation of 5 members of the Aqualia staff. • An Aqualia executive also participated in the 2020 edition of the Promociona Programme organised by ESADE with support from the Spanish Confederation of Employer Organisations (CEOE) and Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, with the aim of improving access for women to executive positions and to continue to create shared leadership.