2020 Sustainability Report |Aqualia’s horizon | 25 April May • Aqualia was voted "Best• The Badajoz Water Service Company of 2019" by the achieved the highest rating in readers of iAgua, the leadingthe European Benchmarking medium in the sector in SpainCooperation (EBC). and Latin America. • The Association of • A globally unique bio sanitaryCommunication Managers protocol against COVID-19enabled the resumption ofwork on the Salitre WWTP in(DIRCOM) distinguishedAqualia's CSR Report as one ofthe three best of the year. June Bogota (Colombia). • Launch of the StepbyWater initiative together with other large companies, the public sector and some NGOs. This was the first major alliance formed in Spain to develop United Nations SDG 6. The initiative was supported by the Government of Spain. • ACUAES once again entrusted Aqualia with the management of Zaragoza's water supply capture. • Certification of the Asset Management System by AENOR. Scope: Management of the end- to-end water cycle in the port area through its subsidiary Oman Sustainable Services Company. • Aqualia initiated the water service for 450,000 users, for 12 concession contracts in the Department of Córdoba, as well as the management of the municipality of Villa del Rosario, Colombia.