162 | 2020 Sustainability Report| A decade for us to transform 2020 Sustainability Report |A decade for us to transform | 163 Call for the responsible use of Goal6.1Strategic line1 water and sanitation Public awareness In October, Aqualia signed an appeal for the European Union Since Aqualia began its activity as an operator for to guarantee access to decent sanitation for the ten million the end-to-end water cycle in 12 municipalities in Europeans who still lack it. the department of Córdoba, in northern Colombia, the company has been developing a specific Social Responsibility plan for the area. Water is a scarce commodity, but it is essential for theand infant mortality, impoverishes biological diversityDue to the expansion of the pandemic, the company survival and development of communities. That is whyand slows down economic growth in underdeveloped used virtual channels to raise awareness amongst the it is everyone's responsibility to protect it and use itcountries, enabling social inequalities to remain. Thatpopulation. During these months there have been responsibly to ensure its future. is why Aqualia makes a special effort to educate the a total of 68 talks regarding the end-to-end water population about how to consume water and protect it cycle, as well as 45 workshops on efficient use and Waterscarcity currently affects more than 40% of the50in the best possible way. saving of water, as well as social and environmental world population, which increases the risk of diseases aspects based on the SDGs, with special emphasis on SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation). Video With regard to this, throughout 2020 Aqualia once #NoLoTires - Gloves, masks again launched the #Nolotires (#Don'tthrowitaway) and sanitary towels never go down the toilet campaign in collaboration with different institutions, Call to action with the aim of making the population aware of those small actions that can have a severe negative impact The company was one of the organisations that signedan appeal on 21 October for the European Union to Guaran tt fon the water cycle. On this occasion, the campaignfocussed especially on those objects that should not be guarantee better access to sanitation for the 10 million t i i or flushed down the toilet because their elimination makesOn 22 March, World Water Day, Aqualia invited people Europeans who still lack a decent sanitation service. ccess o san a on the work of the sanitation network more difficult.to reflect on the strength and resilience of the urban a water supply and sanitation services, which were By signing this document, Aqualia once againdemonstrated its staunch commitment to achievingthe human rights to water and sanitation and adhering10 MillionSince the pandemic began, there has been a significantincrease in the number of gloves, masks, and sanitarytowels that reach the sewer after being flushed downprofoundly affected by the pandemic. Despite theseriousness of the sanitary emergency, which paralyseddaily activity around the world, urban water services to SDG 6, which requires public-private collaboration, the toilet rather than deposited in the correspondinggenerally continued to be provided normally and helped research andinvestment to optimise available Europeans rubbish container. To avoid this, Aqualia providedto prevent the situation from being worse. This was resources and ensure clean sanitation without leaving information through images and videos on the correcta key factor in its work in these crucial moments and anyone behind. way to dispose of these and other polluting waste.the central axis of Aqualia's appearances in the media. 50 Official United Nations information: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/10/6_Spanish_Why_it_Matters.pdf