2020 Sustainability Report |GRI Standards | 181 GRI 300: Environmental Standards GRI 103: Management Approach Associated material issues: Responsible energy consumption,efficient management of natural resources, biodiversity, climate change, environmental innovation GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD 103-1 Explanation of the material Pages 87-89; 172-173 issue and what it involves Energy: Pages 58-61; Water: 68-71; 103-2 The management approach Biodiversity: 72-75; Emissions: 64-67; and its components Circular economy: 68-69; 154-157; Innovation: 144-145 Energy: Pages 61-64 Water: 69-71; 103-3 Assessment of the Biodiversity: 72-75; Emissions: 64-67; management approach Circularity: 69-70; 146-152; Innovation: 135-138; 144-152 GRI 302: Energy 2016 Associated material issue: Responsible energy consumption GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD 7.2 7.3 302-1 Energy consumption within Pages 61-64 8.412.2 the organisation 13.1 Energy consumption outside This 302-2 the organisation information is unavailable Page 62. Covers consumption within 7.3 8.4 302-3 Energy intensity the organisation 12.213.1 Reduction of energy 7.3 8.4 302-4 consumption Pages 63-64 12.2 Reduction in energy 7.312.2 302-5 requirements for products Pages 64; 146-152 and services 13.1 * Contribution of GRI standards to the goals of the SDGs, according to the document prepared by GRI, Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards.