2020 Sustainability Report |Committed to people | 103 Work-life balance, focus and results Aqualiatook 55 work-life balance measures that affected job quality, flexibility in time and space, support for employees' families, personaland professional development and equality of opportunities. Monitoring these measurements was undertaken through the EFR managing system, which constituted the engine for33 continuous improvement in work-life balance. Aqualia maintains its certification as an During the 2020 business year Aqualia promoted EFR (Family-Friendly Company) which knowledge and use of the EFR catalogue measures it obtained in 2017. In February 2021, amongst employees through different awareness and a renewal audit was conducted with communication actions. In this way, 4,155 people were satisfactory results, so it was renewed until November 2023. made aware of work-life balance and the use of the Be Aqualia measures by means of an online course. 4,155pp Goal eo le 8.5 4 Strategic line received training in work-life balance With the aim of knowing the employees'opinion of 80% work-life balance in Aqualia and to be able to improve management, in September the Employee Voice Survey 2020 was launched, which received 422 replies. There34were also 15 interviews with employees complete the intvre iewees process. When selecting the sample for the organisation allpositions and allpersonal/family situations werefelt their managers taken into account, as well as different age ranges.supported work-life balance 33 Scope in Spain. 34 Scope in Spain.