140 |2020 Sustainability Report 2020 |Commitment and technology serving our clients Customer Service Channels Due to the state of alarm, the closure of the on-site To avoid collapse in the offices, the Telephone Customer offices and other health measures taken, the Customer Service Centre made the "Appointment Management" Service Centre received 54% more calls last year service available to clients, improving not only the compared to the previous year (1,240,219) .46 telephone service but also offering a faster and more efficient face-to-face service with full health guarantees. The specialised, proactive and efficient attention of Aqualia managers during these months, performed Aqualia maintained customer service via the Twitter using the Presence (Evolutio) system, enabled clients platform. Messages sent by users are handled and to be attended continuously and without interruptions managed through the @aqualiacontact account. SMS via a number of customer service channels (Aqualia messages can also be sent for the notification of contact):Telephone customer service centre, virtual invoices with incidents and warnings regarding network office, app, Twitter and e-mail. breakdowns. 51.5% more interactions were managed via Twitter in 2020 compared to 2019. After the gradual opening of on-site offices and the end of the state of alarm, sanitary measures including social The efficiency of all client relationship channels enabled distancing, use of face masks, disinfection of areas, etc.,us to have a very low complaints rate of 0.45% to came into force. December 2020, with an average time for response to claims of less than 11 days. It is also worth mentioning the average installation time for a meter (from the time the request is recorded), established as seven days. 54% 51.5% more calls handled by the more interactions Customer Service Centre in 2020 via in 2020 Twitter calls Talking with our clients: Satisfaction survey Aqualia conducted a customer satisfaction survey in out of 4, which represents an increase of more than two 2020. The very positive results showed that 8 out of tenths compared to the last survey conducted in 2019. 10 clients are satisfied with the service provided by The aspects most valued by users were the personal Aqualia. The percentage of clients who rate this service treatment of employees, customer service channels and as excellent or very good is increasing and amounts to repair and improvement work undertaken in homes. 41.6% of the total. This represents an increase of 14 percentage points over the results obtained in 2018. Clients in the Czech Republic also received a score higher than 9 in the satisfaction surveys recently conducted In France, a satisfaction survey was also conducted amongst its end, institutionaland industrial clients. with regard to the service provided by SEFO and CEG Specifically, 92% of end clients rated water quality as in which the company obtained a score of 3.22 points good and 94% rated water cycle management as good. 46 Data for Spain.