62| 2020 Sustainability Report |Global challenge Generation of energy in water cycle management 2019 2020 19/20 Energy produced. Renewable biogas (GJ) 824,146 888,19318 7.8% Energy consumed. Renewable biogas (GJ) 824,146 1,002,687 21.7% TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMED (GJ) 4,241,485 4,564,397 7.6% % renewable biogas energy compared to total energy 19% 22% - Energy intensity ratio: Total non-renewable energy 2.88 3 4.2% consumed/turnover (GJ/thousand €) 18 For the calculation of the renewable energy produced and consumed, the criterion was changed giving the data for the consumption of biogas used to generate the electricity that is consumed. 22% Rene w ab le bi ogas energy The ratio of energy intensity over turnover is 3.00 GJ/This increase in energy intensity was mainly due to an thousand €.This represents an increase of 0.12 GJ/increase in desalinated water in Algeria and Saudi Arabia, thousand € over the ratio for 2019 (2.88 GJ/thousand €).which was very intensive in energy consumption. The increase in renewable energy was 22% compared to 19% in 2019. Bes tpractices Since 2018, Aqualia has been working on the Advisor Project, for the revaluation of waste from the livestock industry, with which new control systems are used to increase the capacity for treatment and in this way guaranteeing the efficiency of the process. Use can be made of fatty waste by transforming it into bioplastics with high added value. The increase in biogas production is exploited with an ABAD Bioenergy® system for the upgrading of biomethane and a dispenser to feed a specific vehicle in the WWTP followed by EnergyLab, which has already travelled 27,000 km.