186| 2020 Sustainability Report | Annexes GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD Data for Spain: Employees with maternity leave: 47 Employees with paternity leave: 174 100% of the affected employees returned to work after maternity leave. The remaining requested paid leave to care for children and returned to work afterwards. 100% of the affected employees returned 401-3 Parental leave to work after paternity leave. 100% 5.1 of the affected employees who returned after maternity/paternity leave were still employed 12 months after they returned to work, except those cases where the works were completed or replaced. All those employees who became mothers or fathers requested maternity or paternity leave. GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2016 Associated material issues: Safety, occupational health and welfare of the employee GRI DESCRIPTION PAGE/2020 DIRECT RESPONSE OMISSIONS SDG* STANDARD 403-1 Occupational health and Page 115 8.8 safety management system Hazard identification, 403-2 risk assessment and the Pages 115-116 8.8 investigation of incidents Occupational health service Pages 115-116 8.8 403-3 Goal 3.3 In all contracts there are mechanisms that facilitate consultation and Worker participation, participation in health and safety issues. consultation and The tools implemented are a physical 8.8 403-4 communication regarding mailbox in each contract, a virtual occupational health mailbox at the Health and Welfare 16.7 and safety sharepoint and on the APP (specific access to incidents and dangers), talks on safety, etc. Training of workers 403-5 on occupational health Pages 110-111 8.8 and safety 403-6 Promoting the health Pages 77; 78-79 (COVID-19), 116 3.8 of workers Prevention and mitigation of impacts on the health and 403-7 safety of workers directly Page 117 8.8 linked through commercial relationships * Contribution of GRI standards to the goals of the SDGs, according to the document prepared by GRI, Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards.