22| 2020 Sustainability Report |Aqualia’s horizon 2020 growth in numbers In 2020, despite the impact produced by the COVID-19 5.62% agenerated globally, compared to 2019, by 0.28%. And, even though turnover in Spain decreased by -2.49%, international business increased by 5.62%. This is why the percentage of the international share over Aqualia's International business total business shows an increase of 34%. increased compared to 2019 Direct economic value generated (total consolidated for the group) Thousands of € 2019 2020 Net business revenue 1,186,881 1,188,348 Other operating income 38,012 39,731 Financial income 37,579 37,940 TOTAL DIRECT ECONOMIC VALUE GENERATED 1,262,472 1,266,019 Perimeter: FCC Aqualia Law. Economic value distributed Thousands of € 2019 2020 Operating costs 645,069 648,329 Procurement 475,302 474,435 Other operating expenses 169,781 173,888 Changes in inventory of finished products and those being manufactured -14 6 Employee wages and benefits 288,689 309,205 Staff expenses 288,689 309,205 Capital suppliers 135,103 50,331 Dividends 90,000 0 Financial expenses 45,800 47,405 Change in fair value of financial instruments 285 0 Differences in exchange rates -982 2.926 Payments to governments (taxes) 77,744 42,056 Corporate income tax 45,905 33,338 Other tax payments (except VAT) 31,839 8,718 Investments in the community 1,022 1,297 Donations and other investments in the community 1,022 1,297 Donations and sponsorships TOTAL ECONOMIC VALUE DISTRIBUTED 1,147,627 1,051,218