2020 Sustainability Report |A decade for us to transform | 161 Brave Blue World Documentary With regard to the dissemination of the company'sis available on Netflix, so it has a potential audience innovative actions,Aqualia participated in the Braveof 193 million people worldwide.Filmed in five Blue World documentary, which presented the All-gascontinents, Brave Blue World looks at how mankind project as one of 12 sustainable solutions worldwideis developing innovations and new technologies to for overcoming water scarcity. It is a striking, optimisticrethink water management in the face of an uncertain documentary that aims to promote a positive changescenario involving waterstress and the unequal in the culture of water and sanitation worldwide. Itdistribution of drinking water. Another example of Aqualia's collaboration with its stakeholders was the call for the IV Edition of theAqualia Journalism Award, with the aim of promotingpublic awareness and sensitivity. IVEditino of How to give water a second life was the theme selected theAqualia for this year and the winner was Paco Rego, who wonthe award for a report on the All Gas project and its JournalismAward possibilities to build more resilient towns and cities.for in-depth analysis of end-to-end water It was published in the newspaper El Mundo. circularity.