Page 117 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 117

100% of senior management is Spanish.
                         Proportion of senior management hired  2017 Corporate Governance Report
                         from the local community               informe-anual-de-gobierno-corporativo (C. Structure
                                                                of the Company’s Administration)
             Management approach: indirect economic impacts

                                                                2017 Consolidated financial statements
             203-1       Infrastructure investments and services supported
                                                                (5. Tangible Fixed Assets/Property, Plant and Equipment)

             203-2       Significant indirect economic impacts.  Pages 4-5, Page 12

             Management approach: procurement practices

             204-1       Proportion of spending on local suppliers  Page 108

             Management approach: anti-corruption

                                                                FCC Code of Ethics FCC
                         Operations assessed for risks related
             205-1                                              documents/21301/154414/Codigo+Etico+FCC.pdf
                         to corruption
                                                                (6.3. Internal control and fraud prevention)
                                                                FCC Code of Ethics FCC
                         Communication and training about anti-corruption
             205-2                                              documents/21301/154414/Codigo+Etico+FCC.pdf
                         policies and procedures
                                                                (6.3. Internal control and fraud prevention)

             205-3       Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions   There were no corruption cases or lawsuits

                                                                Material topics were identified based on the significant aspects
                                                                derived from the environmental management system.
             Management approach: materials
                                                                Page 83
             301-1       Materials used by weight or volume     The weight of reactive consumption is provided as

                                                                Given the nature of Aqualia’s business, captured or purchased
             301-2       Recycled input materials used          water is considered to be a renewable source. Comparatively,
                                                                other types of consumptions are insignificant 67-69.

             Management approach: products and services

             301-3       Reclaimed products and their packaging materials  Not applicable

             Management approach: energy

                                                                Pages 82-84
                                                                Total energy consumption: 3,700,757 GJ (indirect consump-
                                                                tion+direct renewable consumption+fuel consumption)
             302-1       Energy consumption within the organisation  Given that the electricity mix is unavailable for all the countries
                                                                in which the organisation operates, the provided indirect con-
                                                                sumption figure does not differentiate between renewable and
                                                                non-renewable energy consumptions.
                                                                No data on energy sold are available.

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