Page 121 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 121

Management approach: freedom of association and collective bargaining

                                                                Given their activities and applicable internal and external policies,
                         Operations and suppliers in which the right to
             407-1       freedom of association and collective bargaining   Aqualia and its suppliers have no risk that would endanger or
                                                                threaten their employees’ freedom of association or right to
                         may be at risk
                                                                collective bargaining.
             Management approach: child labour

                                                                Given their activities and applicable internal and external
                         Operations and suppliers considered to have
             408-1                                              policies, Aqualia and its suppliers have no significant risk of
                         significant risk for incidents of child labour
                                                                child labour or underage workers exposed to hazardous labour.
             Management approach: forced or compulsory labour

                                                                Given their activities and applicable internal and external
                         Operations and suppliers at significant risk
             409-1                                              policies, Aqualia and its suppliers have no risk of forced
                         for incidents of forced or compulsory labour
                                                                or compulsory labour.
             Management approach: security practices

                         Security personnel trained in human rights   Aqualia has no security personnel on staff and subcontracted
                         policies or procedures                 personnel receive all the related training.
             Management approach: rights of indigenous peoples

                                                                There have been no reports of any incidents of violations
                         Incidents of violations involving rights
             411-1                                              involving the rights of indigenous peoples because of the
                         of indigenous peoples
                                                                activities of Aqualia or its suppliers.
             Management approach: human rights assessment

                                                                Given its activities and applicable internal and external policies,
                         Operations that have been subject to human
             412-1                                              Aqualia considers human rights compliance not to pose a risk
                         rights reviews or impact assessments
                                                                and thus no assessments were made in this regard.
             Management approach: investment

                                                                Given its activity, Aqualia deems this disclosure to be
                         Employee training on human rights policies
             412-2                                              immaterial, thus no training was given
                         or procedures
                                                                on human rights.

             412-3       Significant investment agreements and contracts   No investment agreements were entered into that would
                         that include human rights clauses      include human rights clauses.

             Management approach: local communities

                         Operations with local community
             413-1       engagement, impact assessments         Pages 52-65
                         and development programmes

                         Operations with significant actual and potential   There are no operating centres that have or could have
                         negative impacts on local communities  significant negative impacts on local communities.

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