Page 113 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 113


          GRI content index

             GRI Estándar  Descriptive summary                  Page/Comment


             102-1       Name of the organisation               FCC Aqualia

             102-2       Activities, brands, products, and services  Pages 14-18

             102-3       Location of headquarters               Av. del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050 Madrid, Spain

             102-4       Location of operations                 Pages 18-23

             102-5       Ownership and legal form               The FCC Group fully owns FCC Aqualia S.A.
             102-6       Markets served (geographic locations, sectors   Pages 18-23
                         served, types of customers and beneficiaries)

             102-7       Scale of the organisation              Page 12

                                                                Page 12, Pages 91-97
                                                                There are no significant differences in the employment
                                                                contract type by gender.
             102-8       Information on employees and other workers
                                                                A significant portion of the organization is represented by
                                                                workers who are neither external workers nor employee and
                                                                therefore no control is made for a breakdown by gender.
             102-9       Supply chain                           Page 108

                         Significant changes to the organization
             102-10                                             There were no significant changes in 2017
                         and its supply chain
                                                                Page 94
             102-11      Precautionary principle or approach    2017 Corporate Governance Report
                                                                (E. Risk Control and Management Systems)

             102-12      External initiatives                   Pages 31-35

             102-13      Membership of associations             Page 28


             102-14      Statement from senior decision-maker   Page 4-5

             102-15      Key impacts, risks and opportunities   Page 4-5

 2017 Corporate Social
 Responsibility Report                                          Page 13
 Your water company      Values, principles, standards and norms of   FCC Code of Ethics
                                                                Codigo+Etico+FCC.pdf (2. Mission, Vision, Principles and
                                                                Attitudes; 6. Conduct Guidelines)

         08 ANNEXES                                                                                          113
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