Page 120 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 120

Data for Spain:
                                                                Employees with maternity leave: 66
                                                                Employees with paternity leave: 134
                                                                100% of the affected employees returned after maternity leave.
                                                                The remaining requested paid leave to care for children and
             401-3       Parental leave
                                                                returned to work afterwards.
                                                                100% of the affected employees returned after paternity leave.
                                                                100% of the affected employees who returned after maternity/
                                                                paternity leave were retained
                                                                12 months after their return.

             Management approach: labour/management relations

                                                                Minimum notice periods are defined by collective bargaining
                         Minimum notice periods regarding operational
             402-1                                              agreement. The valid collective bargaining agreements include
                                                                conditions for consultation and negotiations.
             Management approach: occupational health and safety

                         Workers representation in formal joint   39.3% of Aqualia workers in Spain are represented in health and
             403-1       management–worker health               safety committees.
                         and safety committees                  H&S Committees are mainly constituted in Aqualia services.

                                                                Pages 104-106
                         Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational   There were no fatal accidents in 2017.
             403-2       diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number   195 accidents with leave, of which 1 was serious.
                         of work-related fatalities             324 accidents without leave.
                                                                410 incidents without injuries.

                                                                There is only a residual risk of occupation-related diseases,
                         Workers with high incidence or high risk
             403-3                                              though preventive activity ensured that no case occurred
                         of diseases related to their occupation
                                                                in 2017.
             403-4       Health and safety topics covered in formal   100%
                         agreements with trade unions

             Management approach: training and education

             404-1       Average hours of training per year per employee  Page 12, Page 82, Pages 102-104

             404-2       Programs for upgrading employee skills   Page  82-108
                         and transition assistance programs

             404-3       Percentage of employees receiving regular   Performance reviews are not made.
                         performance and career development reviews

             Management approach: diversity and equal opportunity

             405-1       Diversity of governance bodies and employees  Pages  96-97

             405-2       Ratio of basic salary and remuneration  Basic salaries are set by collective bargaining agreements
                         of women to men                        and there are no differences between men and women.
             Management approach: non-discrimination

                         Incidents of discrimination and corrective
             406-1                                              There were no reported cases of discrimination.
                         actions taken

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