Page 112 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 112



          this Report

         This is the twelfth straight year
         that Aqualia has published its
         Corporate Social Responsibility
         Report, which was drawn up
         following the comprehensive
         option in the 2016 Global
         Reporting Initiative (GRI)
         sustainability reporting
         guidelines to GRI standards
         and verified by an independent
         external entity (AENOR).

         In this report, Aqualia conducts
         a review of its commitments in
         sustainability from an economic,              #Realsustainability
         social and environmental
         approach and transparently
         for its stakeholders.
         The report pays particularly
         attention to issues identified
         as relevant in the materiality
         analysis, whose results appear
         in the Corporate Social
         Responsibility Chapter.
         Additionally, Aqualia has also
         voluntarily responded to other
         sections of GRI Standards
         that, while not relevant for
         the organisation, nevertheless
         contribute to the transparency
         and understanding of Aqualia’s
         The content of the present
         report refer to 2017 and
         encompass all company
         activities in the order
         of priority yet without omitting
         any relevant information.

         Changes in calculations or
         scope of the information herein
         compared to previous years
         are commented upon in each
         particular case.

                                                         2017 Corporate Social
                                                         Responsibility Report
                                                                                                     Your water company

                                                                                                  2017 REPORT
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117