Page 119 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 119

The emissions intensity (t CO2 eq/employee) is calculated by
                                                                dividing emissions by the number of employees (7,877)
             305-4       GHG emissions intensity                -Direct Emissions (Scope 1): 5.86 t CO2 eq/employee
                                                                -Indirect Emissions (Scope 2): 43.82 t CO2 eq/employee
                                                                -Indirect Emissions (Scope 3): 4.46 t CO2 eq/employee

             305-5       Reduction of GHG emissions             Page 85

             305-6       Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)  Page 85

                         Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx)
             305-7                                              Not applicable
                         and other significant air emissions
             Management approach: effluents and waste

             306-1       Water discharge by quality and destination  816,179,934  m 3

                                                                     Hazardous  Non-hazardous   Sewage  All non-hazardous
                                                                     waste (t)  waste (t)  in Spain (t)  waste(t)
                                                     Spain           8,135.08   363,813.03  268,047.02
             306-2       Waste by type               Portugal          1.48      626.30
                         and disposal method
                                                     Italy            7.27       9,491.87
                                                     Egypt            92.82      2,174.81
                                                     United Arab Emirates  2.26  440.25
                                                     TOTAL           8,238.91   376,546.26  268,047.02  644,593.28

             306-3       Significant spills                     0

             306-4       Transport of hazardous waste           8,238,908.05 kg

                                                                2 Vertidos en Áreas protegidas; 2 Vertidos en áreas
                         Water bodies affected by water discharge
             306-5                                              No protegidas; 1 alivio en área no protegida; 1 alivio
                         and/or runoff
                                                                en área protegida.
             Management approach: regulatory compliance

             307-1       Noncompliance with environmental laws   51,623.56 €
                         and regulations

             Management approach: supplier environmental assessment

                         New suppliers that were screened using
             308-1                                              100%
                         environmental criteria

                                                                Pages 108-109
                                                                Given their activities, Aqualia suppliers have no significant
                         Negative environmental impacts
             308-2                                              environmental impacts.
                         in the supply chain and actions taken
                                                                However, they are required to fully comply with all applicable
                                                                environmental criteria.

             Management approach: employment

             401-1       New employee hires and employee turnover  Page 12, Pages 92-93

                                                                Page 101
             401-2       Benefits provided to employees         Benefits are independent of the employment arrangement
                                                                and include the following: subsidised loans, life insurance,
                                                                accident insurance and family aid.

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