Page 60 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 60
09 G4-LA12
No to gender-based violence
Aqualia has collaborated in
promoting the "Speak up.
There is a way out of gender-
based violence” campaign that
received the prize for the best
campaign in the Advertising –
Public Services category from
the Internet Users Association.
The campaign, which focuses
on detecting the first signs of
abuse and the importance of a
supportive environment, is aimed
at preventing gender-based
violence among the adolescent
Balloon launch in Oviedo.
The company remains committed to On the International Day for the Elimination awareness of this social scourge amongst
spreading messages among its employees of Violence against Women, Aqualia employees and society. The campaign was
and clients which seek to raise awareness launched a new edition of the “Yo, promoted on Twitter using the hashtag
and stand up to gender-based violence. con-tigo” campaign, which aims to raise #AqualiadiceNoalaViolenciadeGénero.
Over the course of the week in which the
campaign was implemented, close to 150
photos and videos were received from 60
services and were used for the campaign's
poster and messages against gender-based
As part of this initiative, various activities
were implemented in different cities to
raise awareness: in Archidona, primary six
pupils took part by writing messages that
were displayed on a huge mural; in Denia,
Ronda and Oviedo, they stuck hearts with
messages around offices and launched
purple balloons to promote awareness.
Ávila staff along with Santiago Lafuente and Carmen Rodríguez holding the campaign's image.
In Ávila, Santiago Lafuente, national man- Aqualia has also promoted the participation
ager of Aqualia; and Carmen Rodríguez, of its staff in the II edition of the race
human resources manager of Aqualia, took “There is a way out of gender-based
part in a round table in which, under the violence”, which took place in Retiro Park
general topic "What can we do to avoid in Madrid on 28 June. The 6 km race aims
this scourge?", they discussed initiatives to spread the message that a society free
that companies, schools and institutions of gender-based violence is only possible
in general can implement to tackle this if each and every one of us gets involved.
issue. The debate was part of a full day
of activities that kicked off by launching
balloons in the city's main square.
60 HR