Page 62 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 62

09 G4-LA9, G4-LA10

       General data from the 2015
       Aqualia Training Plan are as follows:

No. of courses given                            2013                    2014                          2015
No. of participants on the courses
Total hours of training                         353                     398                          384
Hours of training/participant                  4,287                   5,372                        5,326
Hours of training/employee                    60,670                  63,003                       60,108
Investment in training (€)                     14.15                   11.72                        11.22
NB: Data for Spain.                             9.79                   10.23                         9.65
                                              503,911                 538,250                      519,245

Due to changes to the legislation on train-    TRAINING BREAKDOWN BY THEMES 2015 (IN €)
ing systems at work, with the publication of
Royal Decree-Law 4/2010 in March 2015,        946.45
it has been necessary to adapt the training
processes and procedures, which in turn                                          530.79             Hours / participant
has affected the planning and implemen-                                                             Cost / participant
tation of some courses and thus a drop in
ratios in relation to previous years.                                                              89.55
                                                     12.00    101.79                     64.79
                                                                          13.74                       School of
                                                  School of   School of                  Language
                                              Administration  Processes                    School

      Training                                Hours           No. employees trained                Hours/employee
      by category and
      gender 2015                   Female           Male     Female             Male    Female    Male

        Managers                    1,432            3,705    6 119                      238.67    31.13

        Middle management           2,073            9,088    98 284                     21.15     32.00

        Technicians                 1,359            5,043    76 287                     17.88     17.57

        Skilled workers             6,836            11,642   310 713                    22.05     16.33

        Low-skilled workers         5,806            13,124   334 1,118                  17.38     11.74

        Total                       17,506 42,602             824 2,521                  21.25 16.90
      NB: Data for Spain.
62 HR
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67