Page 63 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 63

G4-LA10 09

In addition to the courses given internally,  The ITA has professors and
external courses were also organised with     lecturers from the university
the Technological Water Institute (ITA) of    who are specialised in the water
the Polytechnic University of Valencia to     sector.
train employees in the technical area.

Logra Program

In 2015, executives at Aqualia took part in   provide the appropriate action tools to        The Logra Program was lead
the Logra Program, which aims to provide      first-level executives, who are considered as  by internationally prestigious
the knowledge and tools to work towards       the necessary lever to propel the company      specialists in leadership, self
the growth and development of company         towards tackling the challenges arising in     management and conflict
employees. The program also intends to        coming years.                                  management.
raise awareness, encourage reflection and

Competence-based selection

With the aim of guaranteeing equal op-        The skills and level required for the job are  suitability for the position through
portunities, the company implemented          identified for each process. Afterwards, a     graphs and in a non-complicated way,
the skills-based selection method in the      questionnaire is drawn up for the purpose      as well as to easily identify who is best fitted
staff hiring process throughout 2015. This    of measuring the candidates' level of com-     to the post.
procedure helps measure and compare           pliance with each one of the requirements.
the suitability of different candidates on    All candidates answer the same questions,
equal terms.                                  making it possible to compare their

Support for Dual Vocational Training

                                                                                             Partnership for Dual Vocational
                                                                                             Training is made up of a state
                                                                                             network of institutions and
                                                                                             companies that are committed
                                                                                             to developing quality dual
                                                                                             vocational training in Spain.

                            I Forum of the Partnership for Dual Vocational Training.

In 2015, Aqualia signed up to join            As part of this partnership, the company       Aqualia also took part in the I Partnership
the Partnership for Dual Vocational           has signed a collaboration agreement with      Forum in Palma de Mallorca, which was
Training, which involves direct support       the Pere Martell Institute of Tarragona to     organised under the title "Dual Vocational
from the company on initiatives that pro-     promote, propel and develop, in an alter-      Training in Spain: Cooperating to Train".
mote a new learning system that helps         nating scheme and with dual vocational         During the forum, issues were discussed
improve young people's chances to enter       training, the Vocational Training Program      such as quality, system regulation, return of
the job market and reduce the high youth      in Water Networks, Installations and           investment in apprentices, the importance
unemployment rate.                            Treatment Stations.                            of collaborating with PYMES, international
                                                                                             success stories or the role of company tutor.

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