Page 55 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 55

Compliance with 2015 challenges

Challenges 2015                                            Level of  Remarks

Performance evaluation of the degree of                  50%         In 2015, it was carried out on levels up to middle
effectiveness of the activities and responsibilities of              management.
workers.                                                 50%         As it stands today, the process to detect training changes
Redefinition of the training process.                    50%         has been changed.
                                                         20%         In 2015, the critical training areas were determined.
Organisation and selection of training options and       100%        In 2015, the wage gap between men and women was
career paths of heads of service.                                    analysed and a report was drawn up.
Eliminating the wage gap between men and                             The percentage of permanent contracts has increased
women.                                                               significantly to 65.23%.
Reduction of temporary contract workers in the
water division.

Diagnosis and evaluation of the company's                100%        The second phase of the Preventive Culture project was
safety culture, as well as the implementation of                     completed, designing an Action Plan for improvement to
improvements with the active participation of                        be implemented over the next three years.
the "Charter for Occupational Health in Aqualia"
internal body.

Note: throughout 2016, we will continue to work on the challenges that we did not complete in 2015.

Lines of Action 2015

Aqualia has developed four main lines of  communication, occupational health, and
action in the area of Human Resources:    equality and diversity.
professional development, internal

❚❚No to gender-based      Equality and                               Professional                    ❚❚Support for Dual
  violence.                    diversity                             development                       Vocational Training.

❚❚Support for female                                                                                 ❚❚Support for
  talent.                                                                                              employment.

❚❚Equality Plan.                                                                                     ❚❚Competence-based


❚❚Recognition.            Health at work                             Internal
❚❚Implementation of pre-                                                                             ❚❚Aqualia ONE.
  ventive management.
                                                                                                     ❚❚News flashes.
❚❚Drop in work-related
  absenteeism.                                                                                       ❚❚"Your Flash"

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