Page 54 - aq_mrsc_eng_af2low
P. 54

Health at work

In occupational health, Aqualia has a System of Occupational            During 2014, the organization has continued to carry out specific
Hazards aimed at ensuring the safety and health of workers              actions to reinforce this commitment, and although there has
and establishes the necessary measures to comply with current           been a slight increase in the accident rate, the seriousness of
legislation measures. The company’s main objective is creating          accidents has been reduced compared to previous years.
awareness and training employees so they make a common
effort in compliance with all established procedures.

ACCIDENT AND ABSENTEEISM RATES (%)                                                                                                       2012
                                                                                                         19.66                           2014

                                                                              17.16  16.44

       9.06 8.87

                                                                                                                          3.62 3.19 3.90

       Accident frequency                       0.47 0.42 0.35                Accident incidence                          Absenteeism
                  rate                                    Accident                     index

                                                        severity rate

❙❙Accident frequency rate: number of work accidents occurring per       ❙❙Incidence rate of accidents at work: number of accidents per thousand
 million hours worked.                                                   people exposed.

❙❙Accident severity rate: number of working days lost due to accidents  ❙❙Absenteeism: total hours lost in relation to the total hours worked.
 per thousand hours worked.

       ACCIDENT FREQUENCY INDEX                                                      ACCIDENT SEVERITY INDEX

       11.07                          12.29                                              0.35 0.34                        0.39


       Total                          Domestic  International                        Total                      Domestic  International

       The data frequency and severity of accidents and absenteeism do not include commuting accidents.

                                                CASUALTIES FROM ACCIDENTS            165

                                                     139 149

                                                2012                    2013         2014

54 HR
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59