Page 57 - aq_mrsc_eng_af2low
P. 57

Aqualia was the first company in the region of Murcia
                                                        in obtaining the “Company Committed to the
                                                        Occupational Health and Safety” distinction, which
                                                        was presented by the Ministry of Education, Universities
                                                        and Employment recognizing good management in the
                                                        prevention of occupational hazards and health in the
                                                        workplace, developed by the organization.

                                                        In the 3rd Year of the Asepeyo awards for the Best
                                                        Practices on Prevention, Aqualia has been awarded
                                                        the second prize for the “Best Practice for Risk
                                                        Management” in relation to the proposal submitted
                                                        by the company under the title “Reduction at source
                                                        the formation of hydrogen sulphide in wastewater
                                                        facilities”. This distinction is a recognition of the work
                                                        done by the company to reduce workplace accidents.

Challenges 2015

Performance          Redefinition     Organization      Eliminating      Reduction of      Diagnosis and
evaluation of        of the training  and selection of  the wage gap     temporary         evaluation of the
the degree of        process.         training options  between men and  contract workers  company's safety
effectiveness of                      and career paths  women.           in the area of    culture, as well as
the activities and                    of Heads of                        water.            the implementation
responsibilities of                   Service.                                             of improvements
workers.                                                                                   with the active
                                                                                           participation of
                                                                                           the "Charter for
                                                                                           Health in Aqualia"
                                                                                           internal body.

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