Page 101 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 101




                   96,980                             € 733,946

              Total training hours in 2017      Annually in direct training costs
               (national + international)          (National + International)

                 DECENT WORK
                 AND ECONOMIC  Aqualia has reconciliation measures, social benefits, objectives and tools in
                 GROWTH      place to provide the right solution so that its employees can balance their
                             personal/family lives with their professional lives.

                  Work-life balance

         Aqualia began the EFR               off days on December 24                   Spain’s first public
         familyfriendly enterprise           and 31, indefinite contracts                water services
         certification at the beginning      and flexible working hours                operator to secure
         of 2017. This certification         are the most popular                         the EFR seal.
         recognises organisations            measures with Aqualia staff.
         involved in the generation
         of a new working culture
         by incorporating a
         comprehensive management            Numbers and type of measures efr                 2017
         system to establish a
         harmonious work-life balance.
                                              Quality employment                                 14
         Human Resources led the              Flexible Work Time and Location                    2
         project with the support of
         senior management with a             Support for Families                               7
         view to improving the
         personal and professional            Personal and Professional Development              3
         development of all company
         employees.                           Equal Opportunities                                4

         Summer office hours,                 Leadership and Management Styles                   4
         internal communication,

         07 EXEMPLARY PERFORMANCE                                                                            101
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106