Page 106 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 106

The Health and Safety area has carried out a series of management improvement programmes and
         activities in different fields:

         accident rate

         Investigation of 410 incidents      to provide and implement
         that entailed no injury with        specific work lines.
         a view to precluding injuries,
         learning from errors and            For the first time in five years,
         establish preventive measures.      the annual accident frequency
                                             index is no longer increasing.
         12 visits to contracts with         The index for the international
         an elevated accident rate (9        activity also remained constant
         national and 3 international)       at 6.30.

         Preventive Culture
         Improvement Plan

         Aqualia has made substantial        3. Refresher training: training     methodology and achievement
         efforts in recent years             events using audiovisual            recognition system.
         to improve its culture of           material recorded at Aqualia
         prevention, focusing in             facilities to reduce the number
         particular on preventive            and frequency of unsafe
         conduct, leadership                 conduct and actions
         improvement and especially          among workers.
         on changing the culture for
         people at all organisational        4. Implementation of the
         levels.                             “Safety Observations” tool,
                                             where ORP technicians set up a
         The following activities            learning process on the causes
         continued throughout 2017:          leading workers to make unsafe
                                             decisions and manage conduct
         1. Safety walks with company        changes.                            Moment during one of the training programmes
         executives to improve the                                               in the Preventive Culture Improvement Plan.
         preventive mindset.                 5. Design of new positive
                                             prevention indicators.
         2. Implementation of the
         “Safety Conversations” tool for     6. Workshops: workshop on
         all contracts.                      the new accident investigation

                      Aqualia has improved the preventive culture of all its international contracts:
                  The company organised four seminars with theoretical training and practical workshops
                for the purpose of developing shared knowledge for every international contract. Company
                    professionals from Italy, Mexico, Chile, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab
                            Emirates and Kosovo met in Spain to participate in these seminars.

                                                                                                  2017 REPORT
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111