Page 98 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 98
The company has been undertaking numerous actions in recent years to boost gender equality.
Aqualia professionals have expressed their appreciation of the training, mentoring, workshops
and informational campaigns to address domestic violence.
Women with
high potential
One of the objectives pursued Additionally, an Aqualia
by the organisation entails executive participated in the
encouraging women to Promociona Program run by
assume posts of greater ESADE with support from
responsibility. In this regard, the Spanish Confederation
the 2017 edition of the of Employer Organisations
Executive Development (CEOE) and Ministry of Health,
Program for Women with Social Services and Equality.
High Potential once again This programme is conceived
helped coach participants in to empower and improve the
executive skills. Three Aqualia potential of women to achieve
employees successfully executive positions and create
completed this training held shared leaderships. The three Aqualia employees in the programme
at the School for Industrial (from the left) Marta Rovira, Mª Ángeles Polo
Organisation (EOI). and Ana Escribano, together with HR Director
Carmen Rodríguez.
Mentoring Plan
Aqualia concluded the second thus simplify their career
edition of its Mentoring development at the
programme and commenced organisation.
the third in 2017. The
programme was put in place to As a new addition to this third
foster female talent, increase edition, newly hired service
the presence, visibility and managers will receive active
participation of integration. Participants in the Third Edition of the Mentoring
women in the organisation and Programme.
Impersonal hiring
The equality of opportunities Implementation and hiring processes for executives
in the job market faces its first Assessment Protocol for and managers and thus
stumbling block in recruitment staff selection. The protocol preclude possible gender
and hiring processes. For this lays out a general framework biases when hiring or
reason, Aqualia and the FCC for working with the State promoting staff.
Group signed a General Secretariat for Social Services
Anonymous Curriculum and Equality to promote the
Vitae Project Design, implementation of impersonal