Page 66 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 66

Drop in work-related absenteeism

The company has taken different measures
to improve the work-related absenteeism
rate, including:

Visit schedule to contracts with high accident rate

After a thorough study of the frequency         that could be causing the accidents in        Visits were paid to a total of 19
rates, a visit schedule to contracts with high  order to establish a series of measures to    national contracts as part of the
accident rate has been drawn up. It will pro-   be adopted.                                   schedule and a specific plan was
vide a detailed insight into the conditions                                                   launched in Italy.

"Preventive Culture" Action Plan

The second phase of the Preventive Culture      ❚❚To clearly illustrate the company's com-    Several measures were adopted
project, which launched in 2014, was              mitment to prevention.                      in 2015: Aqualia drafted a
completed in the last quarter of 2015                                                         Communication Plan, a Safety
through the implementation of a range           ❚❚To promote greater operational involve-     Visit Plan by managers and
of actions. These measures are aimed at           ment in prevention.                         middle management, weekly
detecting the critical points that are most                                                   5 minute safety meetings and
likely to increase employee risks. Identifying  ❚❚To reduce the prominence of unsafe          refresher training, all of which
and treating the risks helps raise employee's     practice.                                   will be implemented over the
awareness on a personal and collective level                                                  course of 2016.
of the guidelines to carry out a safe task      ❚❚To assess and monitor preventive action.
under whichever circumstances.
The strategic aims of the Action Plan are:      ❚❚To uphold the Continuous Improvement
                                                  policy by learning from errors and apply-
                                                  ing fairness in behavioural assessment.

Implementation of Road Safety Campaign

Proper prevention management of road            To this end, several measures were adopted    A Road Accident Prevention Guide
safety risks at work creates social and eco-    in 2015 with the aim of implementing a        was drawn up and a vehicle inspection
nomic benefits for workers in general and       Road Safety Campaign. These measures          campaign was designed as well.
especially the company. This management         included drawing up a comprehensive
helps reduce the number of accidents,           record of road accidents at work to identify
cut direct and indirect costs, and promote      the risk groups, primary causes and recur-
safe driving practices that enhance safety      ring working groups in order to prioritise
at work.                                        actions and establish measures to be taken.

                                                                                              Operarios EDAR Lleida.

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