Page 33 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 33

Commitment to quality throughout the value chain.

Aqualia understands that responsible             As a result , Aqualia involves its suppliers in  and evaluation procedure of suppliers that
management is only possible with the             the company's mission, vision and values         ensures compliance with the requirements
collaboration from all stakeholders and,         and implicates them in the shared aim            deriving from the company's values and
particularly, those most affected by the         of improving sustainability and quality          policies.
company: suppliers.                              throughout the entire value chain. To this
                                                 end, Aqualia has established a monitoring

                         Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of suppliers

Technical quality	       Compliance              Compliance with      Compliance with             Code of Ethics
                         with minimal            risk prevention      labour regulations
❚❚ Necessary to be able  environmental                                                            ❚❚ To be aware of and
  to assess the offer.   impact                  ❚❚ Control and       ❚❚ Procurement                understand Aqualia's
                                                   monitoring of        procedures                  ethical code and
                         ❚❚ Environmental          the suppliers'       according to the            comply with the
                           compliance in all of    compliance with      legislative framework       ten principles of the
                           its activities.         the legislation      and provision               Global Compact
                                                   on prevention        of occupational             promoted by the
                                                   and safety in the    insurance.                  United Nations.

Clients: multi-channel system

The clients are the company's greatest           The multi-channel system offers the best
asset and increasing their satisfaction and      service, shorter response times, better
loyalty is the aim. To this end, Aqualia         relationship with the client in turn enhanc-
runs an accessible and personalised              ing their trust, flexibility in the resolution
client support service that listens to their     of incidents and an increased value of
concerns, responds and offers solutions in a     communication.
flexible, quick, simple and effective manner.

The company offers a comprehensive mul-
ti-channel service that meets all of its client
needs. The face-to-face, telephone and
online channels allow the client to choose
their preferred method to get in touch and
seek a solution to their needs.

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