Page 31 - Aqualia MRSC 2015
P. 31
Lines of Action 2015
The actions carried out by Aqualia in 2015 and have their needs attended to in real towards improving the quality of supplied
were geared towards the end client with time. water and towards implementing innova-
a particular emphasis on the quality of tive projects that represent considerable
communication channels. The completely The company also upholds a solid com- progress in the service and its sustainability.
interactive nature of these channels (face- mitment to citizens to continually improve
to-face, telephone, online) allows the client the quality of service provided, comprehen-
to communicate through whichever means sively monitoring all activities and working
❚❚Intelligent Innovation Water ❚❚Certified quality
management. quality
❚❚Actions to improve
❚❚Sustainability. the service.
❚❚Quality. ❚❚Commitment to
quality throughout
the value chain.
❚❚Transparent bill. Billing and Client
❚❚Remote meter reading. Consumption support
❚❚Smart meters.
❚❚Multi-channel system.
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